IMG_4104Once upon a time there was a little girl who was chosen to represent her class and give flowers to the King of Sweden. To prepare for the royal visit, she brought a lovely dress, got a haircut, practiced shaking hands, giving a courtesy, walking with good posture, and speaking politely. The day finally arrived and she mastered the task with a little jitters but also grace and confidence. That girl was me at the age of six years old. I still remember this exciting royal day.

There is something about “royalty” that is mysterious and fascinating. Many are intrigued, especially royal romances. Kate Middleton is a great example of a mesmerizing princess story. A story of a young girl that falls in love with the Prince of England. She has stepped into this role with poise and dignity. Today she is a wife and a mom taking on a modern princess approach – using extraordinary manners fit for aristocracy.

1Even without a “royal” title, we can all master some royal etiquette skills with our children. Here are five tips to begin:

  1. Greetings

A handshake. Standing up to greet someone new and important. Using proper names while greetings. Smiling. These are all important components to mastering a royal greeting. To be a little more royal, role play and practice different greetings with your kids.

  1. Posture

We rarely see royalty slouching. They walk and sit with poise. Their posture shows confidence and character. To be a little more royal, sit up a little straighter every day! Play a game with your kids to balance a book on his or her head. Can they walk like royalty?

  1. Walk the Walk

Kate Middleton strikes me as a kind and respectful individual who does not judge and welcomes everyone with open arms. She seems confident and compassionate as she represents her country. To be a little more royal, practice walking in someone else’s shoes every day – with kindness and respect. Find teachable moments to show your kids little acts of kindness.

  1. Dress Code

Throwing on a pair of sweatpants and a dirty t-shirt is not something fit for a prince or princess. They need to put a bit more thought into their style and know how to dress for the right occasion. To be a little more royal, take the time to help your child dress appropriately. Dress up and go out for a date with your child.

  1. Social Media Respect

Always in the public eye, royalty have to approach life very carefully. The slightest mistake can cause a scandal. Social media has really taken on the same public watchful eye. Posting a compromising picture or a poor choice of words can cause a stir. We can be reminded to take those graceful steps on social media too. Prepare your kids to tackle social media the same way as royalty.

It’s never too early or too late to teach our kids etiquette! We just need a plan, have patience and be good role models. We should all raise happy and confident children with character, integrity and empathy! Kate Middleton and Prince William, we look forward to watching you raise your royal children. Thank you for reminding us all to add a little grace to our children!

All the best,

Suzanne_M_Wing_1 (1)






About the author:

Suzanne is the award-winning author of The SMART Playbook. She lives in CT with her husband and three kids. Before kids, she was an international marketing executive in New York City. With a multi-cultural background, she was raised in more than six countries with four languages. Her career and living overseas taught her the importance of knowing and using the common language of manners and social skills to being your best. Today she’s a mom with a mission, inspired to communicate social skills in a modern world to a new generation.



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